Rotational Motion Question 33

Question: A particle of mass 2 kg is moving such hat at time t, its position, in meter, is given by $ \overset{\to }{\mathop{r}}(t)=5\hat{i}-2{t \hat {2}}\hat{j}. $ The angular momentum of the particle at $ t=2s $ about the origin in kg $ {m \hat {-2}} $ $ {s \hat {-2}} $ is:

[JEE ONLINE 23-04-2013]


A) $ -80\hat{k} $

B) $ ( 10\hat{i}-16\hat{j} ) $

C) $ -40\hat{k} $

D) $ 40\hat{k} $ ­­

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Correct Answer: A


  • [a] Angular momentum

$\overrightarrow {P}=m\overrightarrow{v}=md\overrightarrow{r}dt=2(−4t) \hat j=−16 \hat j $

putting t=2 $\overrightarrow{}r=5 \hat i−8 \hat j\overrightarrow{L}= \overrightarrow{r }x \overrightarrow{p}$

Substituting,$\overrightarrow{L}= (5 \hat i−8 \hat j) x (−16 \hat j)\overrightarrow{L}=−80 \hat k$

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