Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 287

Question: A body of density $ d _{1} $ is counterpoised by $ Mg $ of weights of density $ d _{2} $ in air of density d. Then the true mass of the body is



B)$ M\left( 1-\frac{d}{d _{2}} \right) $

C)$ M\left( 1-\frac{d}{d _{1}} \right) $

D)$ \frac{M(1-d/d _{2})}{(1-d/d _{1})} $

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Correct Answer: D


Let $ M _{0}= $ mass of body in vacuum. Apparent weight of the body in air = Apparent weight of standard weights in air

$ \Rightarrow $ Actual weight -upthrust due to displaced air = Actual weight-upthrust due to displaced air$ \Rightarrow $

$ M _{0}g-\left( \frac{M _{0}}{d _{1}} \right)dg=Mg-\left( \frac{M}{d _{2}} \right)dg $

$ \Rightarrow M _{0}=\frac{M\left[ 1-\frac{d}{d _{2}} \right]}{\left[ 1-\frac{d}{d _{1}} \right]} $

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