Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 200

Question: Two communicating vessels contain mercury. The diameter of one vessel is n times larger than the diameter of the other. A column of water of height h is poured into the left vessel. The mercury level will rise in the right-hand vessel (s = relative density of mercury and $ \rho $ = density of water) by


A) $ \frac{n^{2}h}{{{(n+1)}^{2}}s} $

B) $ \frac{h}{(n^{2}+1)s} $

C) $ \frac{h}{{{(n+1)}^{2}}s} $

D) $ \frac{h}{n^{2}s} $

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Correct Answer: B


If the level in narrow tube goes down by h1 then in wider tube goes up to h2,

Now, $ \pi r^{2}h _{1}=\pi {{(nr)}^{2}}h _{2} $

therefore $ h _{1}=n^{2}h _{2} $

Now, pressure at point A = pressure at point B $ h\rho g=(h _{1}+h _{2})\rho ‘g $

therefore h = $ (n^{2}h _{2}+h _{2})sg $

As $ \left( s=\frac{\rho ‘}{\rho } \right) $

therefore $ h _{2}=\frac{h}{(n^{2}+1)s} $

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