Physics And Measurement Question 284

Question: The refractive index of water measured by the relation $ \mu =\frac{realdepth}{apparentdepth} $ is found to have values of 1.34,1.38,1.32 and 1.36; the mean value of refractive index with percentage error is


A) $ 1.35\pm 1.48% $

B) $ 1.35\pm 0% $

C) $ 1.36\pm 6% $

D) $ 1.36\pm 0% $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] The mean value of refractive index, $ \mu =\frac{1.34+1.38+1.32+1.36}{4}1.35 $

and $ \Delta \mu =\frac{|(1.35-1.34)|+|(1.35-1.38)|+|(1.35-1.32)|+|(1.35-1.36)|}{4} $

$ =0.02 $

Thus $ \frac{\Delta \mu }{\mu }\times 100=\frac{0.02}{1.35}\times 100=1.48 $

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