Physics And Measurement Question 222

Question: Young’s modulus of steel is $ 1.9\times 10^{11}N/m^{2} $ . When expressed in CGS units of $ ne/cm^{2} $ , it will be equal to ( $ (1N=10^{5}dyne,1m^{2}=10^{4}cm^{2}) $


A) $ 1.9\times 10^{10} $

B) $ 1.9\times 10^{11} $

C) $ 1.9\times 10^{12} $

D) $ 1.9\times 10^{13} $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] It is given that Young’s modulus (Y) is, $ Y=1.9\times 10^{11}N/m^{2} $

$ 1N=10^{5}dyne $

$ So,Y=1.9\times 10^{11}\times 10^{5}dyne/m^{2} $

Convert meter to centimeter $ \because 1m=100cm $

$ Y=1.9\times 10^{11}\times 10^{5}dyne/{{(100)}^{2}}cm^{2} $

$ =1.9\times 10^{12}dyne/cm^{2} $

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