Physics And Measurement Question 159

Question: Position of a body with acceleration ‘a’ is given by $ x=Ka^{m}t^{n}, $ here t is time. Find dimension of m and n?

[Orissa JEE 2005]


A) $ m=1 $ , $ n=1 $

B) $ m=1,\ n=2 $

C) $ m=2,\ n=1 $

D) $ m=2,\ n=2 $

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Correct Answer: B


As $ x=Ka^{m}\times t^{n} $

$ [ M^{0}LT^{0} ]={{[ L{{T}^{-2}} ]}^{m}}{{[ T ]}^{n}}=[ L^{m}{{T}^{-2m+n}} ] $
$ \therefore $ $ m=1 $ and $ -2m+n=0 $ therefore $ n=2 $ .

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