Optics Question 139

Question: In Young’s double slit experiment, if the two slits are illuminated with separate sources, no interference pattern is observed because


A) There will be no constant phase difference between the two waves

B) The wavelengths are not equal

C) The amplitudes are not equal

D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: A


In conventional light source, light comes from a large number of independent atoms, each atom emitting light for about 10?9 sec i.e. light emitted by an atom is essentially a pulse lasting for only 10^_9 sec.

Light coming out from two slits will have a fixed phase relationship only for 10-9 sec.

Hence any interference pattern formed on the screen would last only for 10^-9 sec, and then the pattern will change.

The human eye can notice intensity changes which last at least for a tenth of a second and hence we will not be able to see any interference pattern. In stead due to rapid changes in the pattern, we will only observe a uniform intensity over the screen.

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