Laws Of Motion Question 47

Question: A bullet is fired from a gun. The force on the bullet is given by $ F=600-2\times 10^{5}t $ , where F is in newtons and t in seconds. The force on the bullet becomes zero as soon as it leaves the barrel. What is the average impulse imparted to the bullet[CBSE PMT 1998]


A) 9 Ns

B) Zero

C) 0.9 Ns

D) 1.8 Ns

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Correct Answer: C


$ F=600-2\times 10^{5}t=0 $

therefore $ t=3\times {{10}^{-3}}\sec $

Impulse $ I=\int _{0}^{t}{Fdt}=\int _{0}^{3\times {{10}^{-3}}}{(600-2\times 10^{3}t)dt} $

$ =[600t-10^{5}t^{2}] _{0}^{3\times {{10}^{-3}}}=0.9N\times \sec $

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