Laws Of Motion Question 394

Question: Car is accelerating with acceleration = 20 m/s2. A box of mass m = 10 kg that is placed inside the car it is put in contact with the vertical wall of car as shown. The friction coefficient between the box and the wall is $ \mu =0.6 $ .


A) The acceleration of the box will be $ 10m/{{\sec }^{2}} $

B) The friction force acting on the box will be 100 N

C) The contact force between the vertical wall and the box will be 100 N

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: B


The breaking force is insufficient, so the block will not slide.

So friction force = 100 N

and acceleration will be $ 20m/{{\sec }^{2}} $ only

Net contact force on the block

$ =\sqrt{{{( 200 )}^{2}}+{{( 100 )}^{2}}}=100\sqrt{5}N $

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