Kinematics Question 349

Question: A person moves 30 m north and then 20 m towards east and finally $ 30\sqrt{2} $ m south-west direction. The displacement of the person from the origin


A) 10 m along north

B) 10 m along south

C) 10 m along west

D) Zero

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Correct Answer: C


$ \overline{OA}=0\overset\frown{i}+30\overset\frown{j}, $

$ \overrightarrow{AB}=20\overset\frown{i}+0\overset\frown{j}, $

$ \overline{BC}=-30\sqrt{2}\cos 45{}^\circ \overset\frown{i}-30\sqrt{2}\sin 45{}^\circ \overset\frown{j} $

$ =-30\overset\frown{i}-30\overset\frown{j} $
$ \therefore \text{Net desplacement,} $

$ \text{OC=OA+AB+BC=}-10\overset\frown{i}+0\overset\frown{j} \text{ OC }\text{ =10m} $

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