Kinematics Question 33

Question: Three concurrent forces of the same magnitude are in equilibrium. What is the angle between the forces? Also name the triangle formed by the forces as sides [JIPMER 2000]


A) $ 60{}^\circ $ equilateral triangle

B) $ 120{}^\circ $ equilateral triangle

C) $ 120{}^\circ $ , $ 30{}^\circ $ , $ 30{}^\circ $ an isosceles triangle

D) $ 120{}^\circ $ an obtuse angled triangle

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Correct Answer: A


In N forces of equal magnitude works on a single point and their resultant is zero then angle between any two forces is given $ \theta =\frac{360}{N} $

$ =\frac{360}{3}=120{}^\circ $ If these three vectors are represented by three sides of triangle then they form equilateral triangle

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