Electrostatics Question 9

Question: Two insulated charged spheres of radii $ 20cm $ and $ 25cm $ respectively and having an equal charge $ Q $ are connected by a copper wire, then they are separated [NCERT 1971]


A) Both the spheres will have the same charge $ Q $

B) Charge on the $ 20\ cm $ sphere will be greater than that on the $ 25\ cm $ sphere

C) Charge on the $ 25\ cm $ sphere will be greater than that on the $ 20\ cm $ sphere

D) Charge on each of the sphere will be $ 2Q $

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Correct Answer: C


After the connection of wire $ V _{1}=V _{2} $

$ \frac{Q _{1}}{25}=\frac{Q _{2}}{20} $

therefore $ \frac{Q _{1}}{Q _{2}}=\frac{25}{20} $

therefore $ Q _{1}>Q _{2} $

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