Electrostatics Question 53

Question: A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the plates of the capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles, then [IIT 1987; MP PET 1992; Manipal MEE 1995; MP PMT 1996]


A) The charge on the capacitor increases

B) The voltage across the plates decreases

C) The capacitance increases

D) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor increases

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Correct Answer: D


When the battery is disconnected, the charge will remain same in any case. Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is given by $ C=\frac{{\varepsilon _{0}}A}{d} $ When d is increased, capacitance will decreases and because the charge remains the same, so according to $ q=CV, $ the voltage will increase, Hence the electrostatics energy stored in the capacitor will increase.

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