Electrostatics Question 257

Question: A point charge of 40 stat coulomb is placed 2 cm in front of an earthed metallic plane plate of large size. Then the force of attraction on the point charge is


A) $ \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}-\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta $

B) $ \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}-\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\cos \theta $

C) $ \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta $

D) $ \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\cos \theta $

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Correct Answer: C


$ {F _{\text{2}}} $ = Force applied by $ q _{2} $ on $ -q _{1} $

$ {F _{\text{3}}} $ = Force applied by $ (-q _{3}) $ on $ q _{1} $ x-component of Net force on $ -q _{1} $ is $ F _{x}={F _{\text{2}}}+{F _{\text{3}}}\text{sin}\theta $

$ =k\frac{q _{1}q _{2}}{b^{2}}+k.\frac{q _{1}q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta $

therefore $ F _{x}=k[ \frac{q _{1}q _{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{q _{1}q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta ] $

therefore $ F _{x}=k\cdot q _{1}[ \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta ] $

therefore $ F _{x}\propto ( \frac{q _{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{q _{3}}{a^{2}}\sin \theta ) $

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