Electronic Devices Question 265

Question: On applying a potential of - 1 volt at the grid of a triode, the following relation between plate voltage Vp (volt) and plate current $ I _{p}(\text{in }mA) $ is found $ I _{p}=0.125V _{p}-7.5 $ If on applying - 3 volt potential at grid and 300 V potential at plate, the plate current is found to be 5mA, then amplification factor of the triode is


A) 100

B) 50

C) 30

D) 20

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Correct Answer: A


At $ V _{g}=-3V,V _{p}=300V $ and $ I _{p}=5mA $ At $ V _{g}=-1V, $ for constant plate current i.e.

$ I _{p}=5mA $ From $ I _{p}=0.125V _{p}-7.5 $

Therefore $ 5=0.125V _{p}-7.5 $

Therefore $ V _{p}=100V $

hange in plate voltage $ \Delta V _{p}=300-100=200V $

Change in grid voltage $ \Delta V _{g}=-1-(-3)=2V $ So, $ \mu =\frac{\Delta V _{p}}{\Delta V _{g}}=\frac{200}{2}=100 $

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