Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 466

Question: An L-shaped conductor rod is moving in transverse magnetic field as . Potential difference between ends of the rod is maximum if the rod is moving with velocity


A) $ 4\hat{i}-6\hat{j},m/s $

B) $ -,4\hat{i}+6\hat{j},m/s $

C) $ 3\hat{i}+2\hat{j},m/s $

D) $ \sqrt{13}\hat{i},m/s $

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Correct Answer: C


  • For maximum potential difference the velocity must be perpendicular to the line AB, and so

    $ \vec{v}=v,\sin ,\theta \hat{i}+v,\cos \theta \hat{j} $

    $ =v[ \frac{3}{\ell }\hat{i}+\frac{2}{\ell }\hat{j} ]=\frac{v}{\ell }[ 3\hat{i}+2\hat{j} ] $

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