Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 349

Question: The current in a LR circuit builds up to $ \frac{3}{4} $ th of its steady state value in $ 4s $ . The time constant of this circuit is [Roorkee 2000]


A) $ \frac{1}{\ln 2}s $

B) $ \frac{2}{\ln 2}s $

C) $ \frac{3}{\ln 2}s $

D) $ \frac{4}{\ln 2}s $

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Correct Answer: B


We know that $ i=i_{o}[ 1-{{e}^{\frac{-Rt}{L}}} ] $

or $ \frac{3}{4}i_{o}=i_{o}[ 1-{{e}^{-t/\tau }} ] $ (where $ \tau =\frac{L}{R}= $

time constant) $ \frac{3}{4}=1-{{e}^{-t/\tau }} $ or $ {{e}^{-t/\tau }}=1-\frac{3}{4}=\frac{1}{4} $

$ {{e}^{t/\tau }}=4 $

or $ \frac{t}{\tau }= $ ln 4
$ \Rightarrow \tau =\frac{t}{\text{ln},4}=\frac{4}{2,\text{ln},2}\Rightarrow ,\tau =\frac{2}{\text{ln},2}sec. $

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