Atoms And Nuclei Question 362

Question: A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of decay according to the scheme $ A\xrightarrow{a}A_{1}\xrightarrow{\beta }A_{2}\xrightarrow{\alpha }A_{3}\xrightarrow{\gamma }A_{4} $ If the mass number and atomic number of ‘A’ are 180 and 72 respectively, then what are these numbers for $ A_{4} $


A) 172 and 69

B) 174 and 70

C) 176 and 69

D) 176 and 70

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Correct Answer: A


  • $ _{72}A^{180} $

$\xrightarrow{{\alpha }_{70}}$

$ A_{1}^{176} $

$\xrightarrow{{\beta }_{71}}$

$ A_{2}^{176} $

$ {{\xrightarrow{\alpha }}{69}}A{3}^{172}{{\xrightarrow{\gamma }}{69}}A{4}^{172} $

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