Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 54

Question: An organic compound on analysis gave C = 48 gm, H = 8 gm and N = 56 gm. Volume of 1.0 g of the compound was found to be 200 ml at NTP. Molecular formula of the compound is [MP PET 1986]


A) $ C_4H_8N_4 $

B) $ C_2H_4N_2 $

C) $ C_{12}H_{24}N_{12} $

D) $ C_{16}H_{32}N_{16} $

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Correct Answer: A


Element % No.of Moles Simple Ratio
C 48 48/12 = 4 :1
H 8 8/1 = 8: 2
N 56 56/14 = 4: 1

Empirical formula = $ CH_2N $

Empirical formula mass = 28 Now, 200 ml of compound = 1 gm 22400 ml of compound $ \frac{1}{200}\times 22400=112 $

$ n=\frac{12}{2}=6 $ Therefore, Molecular formula $ ={{(CH_2N)}_4}=C_4H_8N_4 $ .

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