Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 257

Question: Addition of HCl to vinyl chloride gives 1, 1-dichloroethane because of [MP PET 2004]


A) Mesomeric effect of Cl

B) Inductive effect of Cl

C) Restricted rotation around double bond

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: D


$ \underset{Cl\ \ }{\overset{CH_2}{\mathop{\underset{|}{\overset{||}{\mathop{C}}},H}}},+HCl\ \ \ \ \to \underset{\begin{smallmatrix} \\ (\text{1, 1 dichloroethane}) \end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{\underset{CH\ ,}{\overset{CH_3}{\mathop{|\ \ \ \ \ }}},<_Cl^{Cl}}}, $ It is addition reaction.

Which is according to Markownikoff rule.

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