Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 236

Question: In the context of the Hall-Heroult process for the extraction of Al, which of the following statements is false?


A) CO and $ CO_2 $ are produced in this process

B) $ Al_2O_3 $ is mixed with $ CaF_2 $ which lowers the melting point of the mixture and brings conductivity

C) $ A{{l}^{3+}} $ is reduced at the cathode to form Al

D) $ Na_3AIF_6 $ Serves as the electrolyte

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Correct Answer: D


(1) In this process, carbon anode is oxidized to CO and $ CO_2 $ (2) It is a fact (3) At cathode, $ A{{l}^{3+}} $ from $ Al_2O_3 $ is reduced to Al (4) $ Al_2O_3 $ is the electrolyte, which is undergoing the redox process.

So, $ Al_2O_3 $ serves as electrolyte and $ Na_3AlF_6 $ , although an electrolyte, serves as solvent.

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