Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 231

Question: Copper matte is extracted from copper pyrites ore b) heating it in blast furnace. The method is based on the principle that:


A) copper has more affinity for oxygen than sulphur at high temperature

B) iron has less affinity for oxygen than sulphur at high temperature

C) sulphur has less affinity for oxygen at high temperatun

D) copper has less affinity for oxygen than sulphur at high temperature

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Correct Answer: D


$ 2CuFeS_2+O_2\to Cu_2S+2FeS+SO_2 $ (Copper pyrite) $ FeS+\frac{3}{2}O_2\to FeO+SO_2\uparrow $

$ FeO+SiO_2\to FeSiO_3 $ (Remain $ Cu_2S $ is called matte)

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