Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 223

Question: Which one of the following ores is concentrated by chemical leaching method?


A) Argentite

B) Copper pyrite

C) Cinnabar

D) Galena

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Correct Answer: A


[a] In this process, the finely divided powdered argentite or the native silver or gold is treated with a dilute solution (0.5%) of sodium or potassium cyanide while a current of air is continuously passed.

As a result silver ores pass into solution forming their respective soluble complex cyanides while the impurities remain unaffected which are filtered off.

$ 4Ag+8NaCN+O_2+2H_2O\to 4Na[Ag{{(CN)}_2}]+4NaOH $

$ Or $

$ Ag_2S+4NaCN\to \underset{sodiumdicyano,\text{argentate(I)}}{\mathop{2Na[Ag{{(CN)}_2}]}},+Na_2S $

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