Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 208
Question: Which of the following free radicals is most stable [NCERT 1982]
A) Primary
B) Methyl
C) Secondary
D) Tertiary
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Correct Answer: D
$ \underset{\begin{smallmatrix} \\ 3^{o} \end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{CH_3}},-\underset{CH_3}{\overset{CH_3,}{\mathop{\underset{|,}{\overset{|,}{\mathop{C^{o}>,}}},}}},\underset{,2^{o}}{\mathop{CH_3-\overset{CH_3,}{\mathop{\overset{|,}{\mathop{\underset{o}{\mathop{CH}},}},}},}},>\underset{\begin{matrix} {} \\ 1^{o} \\ \end{matrix}}{\mathop{CH_3-\overset{o}{\mathop{CH_2}},}}, $ Greater the no.
of alkyl groups attached to the carbon atom carrying the odd electrons, greater is the delocalization of odd electron and hence more stable is the free radical.