Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 172

Question: Most stable carbonium ion is [Pb. CET 2004]


A) $ {{\overset{+}{\mathop{C}},}_2}H_5 $

B) $ {{(CH_3)}_3}\overset{+}{\mathop{C}}, $

C) $ {{(C_6H_5)}_3}\overset{+}{\mathop{C}}, $

D) $ C_6H_5\overset{+}{\mathop{C}},H_2 $

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Correct Answer: C


In the triphenyl methyl carbonium ion the p electrons of all the three benzene rings are delocalised with the vacant p-orbital of central carbon atom.

So, it is resonance stabilised.

It is the most stable of all the carbonium ions given The ion $ CH_3-\underset{CH_3}{\overset{CH_3}{\mathop{\underset{|\ \ }{\overset{|\ \ }{\mathop{{C^{+}}}}},\ \ }}}, $ is stabilised by hyperconjugation, a second order resonance.

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