Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Question 12

Question: In the reaction $ \begin{matrix} Br \\ H \\ \end{matrix}>\underset{1}{\mathop{C}},=\underset{2}{\mathop{C}},<\begin{matrix} Br \\ H \\ \end{matrix}\overset{H_2}{\mathop{\xrightarrow[Catalyst]{}}},\underset{3}{\mathop{BrCH_2}},\underset{4}{\mathop{CH_2Br}}, $ The hybridisation states of carbon atoms 1, 2, 3, 4 are [MP PET 1994]


A) 1 and 2 $ sp^{2}; $ 3 and 4 $ sp^{3} $

B) 1 and 2 $ sp^{2}; $ 3 and 4 $ sp $

C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 $ sp $

D) 1, 2 $ sp^{3}; $ 3, 4 $ sp^{2} $

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Correct Answer: A


$ \underset{,sp^{2}sp^{2}}{\mathop{Br-\overset{1}{\mathop{CH=}},\overset{2}{\mathop{CH}},-Br}}\underset{Catalyst}{\mathop{\xrightarrow{H_2}}},Br-\underset{sp^{3}}{\overset{3,}{\mathop{CH_2}}},-\underset{sp^{3}}{\mathop{\overset{4}{\mathop{CH_2}},}},-Br $

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