Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 328

Question: The number of molecules of CO2 present in 44g of CO2 is [BCECE 2005]


A) $ 6.0\times 10^{23} $

B) $ 3\times 10^{23} $

C) $ 12\times 10^{23} $

D) $ 3\times 10^{10} $

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Correct Answer: A


wt of $ CO _2=44 $

mol wt of $ CO _2=44 $

No. of molecule $ =\frac{wt\text{. of }CO _2}{mol,wt,of,CO _2}\times 6.02\times 10^{23} $

$ =\frac{44}{44}\times 6.02\times 10^{23} $ $ =6.02\times 10^{23} $

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