Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Question 128

Question: Nitric acid can be produced from $ NH _3 $ in three step process

I. $ 4NH _3(g)+5O _2(g)\xrightarrow{{}}4NO(g)+6H _2O(g) $ II. $ 2NO(g)+O _2(g)\xrightarrow{{}}2NO _2(g) $ III. $ 3NO _2(g)+H _2O(l)\xrightarrow{{}}2HNO _3(aq)+NO(g) $ % yield of Ist, IInd and IIIrd are respectively 40%, 50% and 70% respectively, then what volume of $ NH _3(g) $ sit 1 atm and $ 0{}^\circ C $ required to produce 1075 g of $ HNO _3 $ ?


A) 3413 L

B) 3500 L

C) 6826 L

D) 1750 L

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Moles of $ NO _2 $ required $ =( \frac{1075}{63} )\times \frac{3}{2}\times \frac{1}{0.7}=35.56g $ Moles of NO required $ =\frac{36.56}{0.6} $

Moles of $ NN _3 $ required $ =\frac{36.56}{0.6}\times \frac{1}{0.40}=152.325 $

Volume of $ NH _3 $ at STP required $ =152.325\times 22.4 $

$ \simeq 3413L $

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