Solutions Question 357

Question: Which one of the following statements is incorrec'


A) The correct order of osmotic pressure for 0.01 M aqueous solution of each compound is $ BaCl_2>KCl>CH_3COOH>Sucrose $

B) The osmotic pressure $ ( \pi ) $ of a solution is given by the equation $ \pi =MRT $ , where M is the molarity of the solution

C) Raoult’s law states that the vapour pressure of a component over a solution is proportional to its mole fraction

D) Two sucrose solutions of same molality prepared in different solvents will have the same freezing point depression

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Correct Answer: D


$ \Delta T_{f}=K_{f}\times m\times i. $ Since $ K_{f} $ has different values or different solvents, hence even if m is the same $ \Delta T_{f} $ will be different

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