Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 757

Question: The oxidation states of S-atoms in Marshell’s and Caro’s acid are


A) +6, +7

B) +6, +6

C) +7, +7

D) +4, +4

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Idea This question can be solved by knowing the structure of oxyacids of sulphur and determination of their oxidation state. Students are advised to write the molecular structure first, then to calculate the oxidation state of sulphur. Marshell’s acid $ =H_2S_2O_8= $ peroxy disulphuric acid Caro’s acid $ =H_2SO_5= $ peroxo-mono-sulphuric acid. The oxidation state of sulphur in both the acidjs +6. There are S - S linkages.

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