Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 754

Question: Which of the following is not a disproportionate reaction-


A) $ 4KClO_3\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}3KClO_4+KCl $

B) $ 2C{{u}^{+}}\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}C{{u}^{2+}}+Cu $

C) $ 5{{X}^{-}}+XO_3^{-}+6{{H}^{+}}\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}3X_2+3H_2O $

D) $ 4P+3NaOH+3H_2O\to $ $ PH_3+3NaH_2PO_2 $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] The change in oxidation numbers are [a] $ Cl:+,5\to +7 $ and - 1
[b] $ Cu:+1\to +2 $ and 0 [c] $ X:-1\to 0 $
[d] $ P:0\to -3 $ and + 1 In [a], [b] and [d], a single oxidation number (of the reactant atom) undergoes a simultaneous increase and decrease, but in [c], two different oxidation numbers of an atom in the reactants are not involved.

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