Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 674

Question: In which of the following pairs, there is greatest difference in the oxidation number of the underlined elements-


A) $ \underline{N}O_2 $ and $ {{\underline{N}}_2}O_4 $

B) $ {{\underline{P}}_2}O_5 $ and $ {{\underline{P}}4}O{10} $

C) $ {{\underline{N}}_2}O $ and $ \underline{N}O $

D) $ \underline{S}O_2 $ and $ \underline{S}O_3 $

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Correct Answer: D


[d] O.N. of N in $ NO_2 $ and $ N_2O_4 $ is +4
$ \therefore $ difference is zero. O.N. of P in $ P_2O_5 $ and $ P_4O_{10} $ is +5
$ \therefore $ difference is zero O.N. of N in $ N_2O $ is +1 and in NO is +2. The difference is 1 O.N. of S in $ SO_2 $ is +4 and in $ SO_3 $ is +6. The difference is +2.

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