Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 604

Question: In a cell that utilises the reaction $ Zn(s)+2{H^{+}}(aq)\to Z{n^{2+}}(aq)+H_2(g) $ addition of $ H_2SO_4 $ to cathode compartment, will


A) increase the E and shift equilibrium to the right

B) lower the E and shift equilibrium to the right

C) lower the E and shift equlibrium to the left

D) increase the E and shift equilibrium to the left

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ Zn(s)+2{H^{+}}(aq)\rightarrow Z{n^{2+}}(aq)+H_2(g) $

$ E_{cell}=E{{{}^\circ }_{cell}}-\frac{0.059}{2}\log \frac{[Z{n^{2+}}][H_2]}{{{[{H^{+}}]}^{2}}} $

Addition of $ H_2SO_4 $ will increase $ [{H^{+}}] $ and $ E_{cell} $ will also increase and the equilibrium will shift towards RHS

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