Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 568

Question: Consider the following reactions

(i) $ C{d^{2+}}( aq )+2{e^{-}}\xrightarrow{{}}Cd( s ),E{}^\circ =-0.40V $ (ii) $ A{g^{+}}(aq)+{e^{-}}\xrightarrow{{}}Ag(s),E{}^\circ =0.80V $ For the galvanic cell involving the above reactions. Which of the following is not correct-


A) Molar concentration of the cation in the cathodic compartment changes faster than that of the cation in the anodic compartment.

B) $ E_{cell} $ increase when $ C{d^{2+}} $ solution is diluted.

C) Twice as many electrons pass through the cadmium electrode as through silver electrode.

D) $ E_{cell} $ decreases when $ A{g^{+}} $ solution is diluted.

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ Cd(s)+2A{g^{+}}( aq )\xrightarrow{{}}C{d^{2+}}(aq)+Ag(s), $ $ E_{cell}=E_{cell}^{{}^\circ }-\frac{0.059}{2}\log \frac{[C{d^{2+}}]}{{{[A{g^{+}}]}^{2}}} $

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