Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 559

Question: Consider the following four electrodes:

$ P=C{u^{2+}}(0.0001M)/Cu(s) $ $ Q=C{u^{2+}}( 0.1M)/Cu(s ) $ $ R=C{u^{2+}}(0.01M/)Cu(s) $ $ S=C{u^{2+}}(0.001M/)Cu(s) $ If the standard reduction potential of $ C{u^{2+}}/Cu $ is +0.34 V, the reduction potentials in volts of the above electrodes follow the order.


A) $ P>S>R>Q $

B) $ S>R>Q>P $

C) $ R>S>Q>P $

D) $ Q>R>S>P $

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ E_{red}=E_red^{{}^\circ }+\frac{0.591}{n}\log [{M^{n+}}] $ Lower the concentration of $ {M^{n+}} $ , lower is the reduction potential. Hence order of reduction potential is: $ Q>R>S>P $

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