Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 548

Question: Which of the following is the strongest oxidising agent [Pb. CET 2000]


A) $ BrO_3^{-}/B{{r}^{2+}},,E^{o}=+1.50 $

B) $ F{{e}^{3+}}/F{{e}^{2+}},,E^{o}=+0.76 $

C) $ MnO_4^{-}/M{{n}^{2+}},,E^{o}=+1.52 $

D) $ Cr_2O_7^{2-}/C{{r}^{3+}},,E^{o}=+1.33 $

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Correct Answer: C


Higher is the reduction potential stronger is the oxidising agent. Hence in the given options. $ MnO_4^{-} $ is strongest oxidising agent.

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