Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 544

Question: For the redox reaction $ MnO_4^{-}+C_2O_4^{-2}+{{H}^{+}}\to ,M{{n}^{2+}}+CO_2+H_2O $ the correct coefficients of the reactants for the balanced reaction are [IIT 1988, 92; BHU 1995; CPMT 1997; RPMT 1999; DCE 2000; MP PET 2003]


A) $ MnO_4^{-} $ $ C_2O_4^{2-} $ $ {{H}^{+}} $ 2 5 16

B) 16 5 2

C) 5 16 2

D) 2 16 5

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Correct Answer: A


$ MnO_4^{-}+8{{H}^{+}}+5{{e}^{-}}\to M{{n}^{2+}}+4H_2O\times 2 $ $ C_2O_4^{2-}\to 2CO_2+2{{e}^{-}}\times 5 $ $ \overline{2MnO_4^{-}+5C_2O_4^{2-}+16{{H}^{+}}\to 2M{{n}^{2+}}+10CO_2+8H_2O} $ Thus the coefficient of $ MnO_4^{-} $ , $ C_2O_4^{2-} $ and $ {{H}^{+}} $ in the above balanced equation respectively are 2, 5, 16.

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