Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 336

Question: Given, $ E^o_{Cr_2O_4^{2-}/C{r^{3+}}}=1.34,V,E^o_{Cl/C{l^{-}}}=1.37,V $ $ E^o_{C{u^{3+}}/C{u^{+}}}=-,0.74,V,,E^o_{MnO_4^{-}/M{n^{2+}}}=,1.51V, $ Based on the data given above the strongest oxidizing agent will be


A) $ MnO_4^{-} $

B) $ M{n^{2+}} $

C) $ Cl_2 $

D) $ C{r^{3+}} $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Most positive $ E^{\circ } _{red} $ value means most oxidising agent Most negative $ E^{\circ } _{red} $ value means most reducing agent

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