Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 192

Question: What is the potential of a cell containing two hydrogen electrodes the negative one in contact with $ {10^{-8}} $ M $ {H^{+}} $ and positive one in contact with 0.025 M $ {H^{+}} $ [MP PMT 2000]


A) 0.18 V

B) 0.28 V

C) 0.38 V

D) 0.48 V

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Correct Answer: C


$ \frac{1}{2}H_2\to {H^{+}}({10^{-8}}M)+{e^{-}}(oxidation) $ $ {H^{+}}(0.025,M)+{e^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}H_2(reduction) $ Cell reaction is : $ {H^{+}}(0.025,M)\to {H^{+}}({10^{-8}},M) $ ; $ {E_{cell}}=0.38V $ .

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