Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 127

Question: The standard oxidation potential of zinc and silver in water at $ 298K $ are $ Zn(s)\to Z{n^{2+}}+2{e^{-}},;,E=0.76,V $ $ Ag(s)\to ,A{g^{2+}}+2{e^{-}},;,E=-0.80,V $ Which of the following reactions actually take place [NCERT 1983, 84; KCET 2003]


A) $ Zn(s)+2A{g^{+}}(aq),\to ,Z{n^{++}}(aq)+2Ag(s) $

B) $ Z{n^{++}}(aq)+2Ag(s),\to ,2A{g^{+}}(aq)+Zn(s) $

C) $ Zn(s)+Ag(s),\to ,Z{n^{++}}(aq)+A{g^{+}}(aq) $

D) $ Z{n^{++}}(aq)+A{g^{+}}(aq),\to ,Zn(s)+Ag(s) $

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Correct Answer: A


$ \overset{o}{\mathop{Z{n_{(s)}}}},+2Ag_{(aq)}^{+}\to Zn_{(aq)}^{2+}+\overset{o}{\mathop{2A{g_{(s)}}}}, $ In this reaction zinc act as a anode and $ Ag $ act as a cathode.

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