P-Block Elements Ques 527

Question: $ B{{(OH)}_3}+NaOH\to NaBO_2+Na[B{{(OH)}_4}+H_2O $ How can this reaction is made to proceed in forward direction?


A) addition of cis 1,2-diol

B) addition of borax

C) addition of trans 1,2-diol

D) addition of $ Na_2HPO_4 $

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Correct Answer: A


$ H_3BO_3 $ acts as weak monobasic Lewis acid. $ B{{( OH )}_3}+NaOH\to Na[ B{{( OH )}_4} ] $ On addition of cis-1, 2-diol in $ H_3BO_3 $ solution, acidic strength of $ H_3BO_3 $ increases due to chelation effect.

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