Equilibrium Question 740

Question: Four species are listed below:

(i) $ HC{O^{-}}_3 $

(ii) $ H_3{O^{+}} $

(iii) $ HS{O^{-}}_4 $

(iv) $ HSO_3F $

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of their acid strength-


A) iv <ii <iii <i

B) ii <iii <i <iv

C) i <iii <ii <iv

D) iii <i <iv <ii

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Correct Answer: C


The $ pK_{a} $ values of $ HCO_3^{-} $ and $ HSO_4^{-} $ are 10.25,-1.74 and 1.92 respectively and $ HSO_3 $ F is super acid. $ (iv)>(ii)> $ (iii)>(i)

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