D-And F-Block Elements Ques 441

Question: Identify P and Q products in given reaction $ KI+MnO_4^{-}\xrightarrow{{{H}^{-}}}P+M{{n}^{2+}} $ $ KI+MnO_4^{-}\xrightarrow{O{{H}^{-}}}IO_3^{-}+Q $


A) $ IO_3^{-} $ , $ MnO_2 $ respectively

B) $ I_2 $ , $ M{{n}^{2+}} $ respectively

C) $ IO_3^{-},M{{n}^{2+}} $ respectively

D) $ I_2 $ , $ MnO_2 $ respectively

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Correct Answer: D


In acidic medium, $ MnO_4^{-} $ reduces is $ M{{n}^{2+}} $ and oxidises $ {{I}^{-}} $ to $ I_2, $
$ \therefore KI+MnO_4^{-}\xrightarrow{{{H}^{+}}}I_2+M{{n}^{2+}} $ In basic medium, $ MnO_4^{-} $ reduces to $ MnO_2 $ and produces $ IO_3^{-} $ .
$ \therefore KI+MnO_4^{-}\xrightarrow{O{{H}^{-}}}MnO_2+5S+8H_2O $

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