D-And F-Block Elements Ques 224

Question: From argentite $ (Ag_2S) $ ore the method used in obtaining metallic silver is

[MP PMT 1989]


A) Fused mixture of $ Ag_2S $ and $ KCl $ is electrolysed

B) $ Ag_2S $ is reduced with $ CO $

C) $ Ag_2S $ is roasted to $ Ag_2O $ which is reduced with carbon

D) Treating argentite with $ NaCN $ solution followed by metal displacement with zinc

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Correct Answer: D


$ Ag_2S+4NaCN\to 2Na[Ag{{(CN)}_2}]+Na_2S $

$ 2Na[Ag{{(CN)}_2}]+Zn\to Na_2[Zn{{(CN)}_4}]+2Ag $

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