Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Ques 310

Question: The gaseous HX molecule has a measured dipole moment of 4.0 D, which indicates that it is a very polar molecule. The separation between the nuclei in this molecule is $ 2.67\times {{10}^{-8}}cm $ then the percentage ionic character in HX molecule:


A) 78%

B) 31.25%

C) 50.25%

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Dipole moment of compound would have been completely ionic $ =(4.8\times {{10}^{-10}}esu),(2.67\times {{10}^{-8}},cm)=12.8,D $ so % ionic character $ =\frac{4.0}{12.8}\times 100%=31.25% $

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