Chemical Thermodynamics Question 195

Question: The heats of combustion of rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are respectively 70960 and 71030 calories. What will be the heat of conversion of rhombic sulphur to monoclinic [MP PMT/PET 1988]


A) 70960 calories

B) 71030 calories

C) - 70 calories

D) + 70 calories

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Correct Answer: C


S (rhombic) $ +,O_2\to SO_2 $ , $ \Delta H=70960,cal. $ -(i) S (monoclinic) $ +,O_2\to SO_2 $

$ \Delta H=71030,cal $ -(ii) Aim: S (rhombic) $ \to $ S (monoclinic) eq. (i) - eq. (ii) gives the required result.

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