Chemical Kinetics Question 212

Question: For a first order reaction [IIT 1998]


A) The degree of dissociation is equal to $ (1-{e^{-kt}}) $

B) A plot of reciprocal concentration of the reactant vs time gives a straight line

C) The time taken for the completion of 75% reaction is thrice the $ {t_{1/2}} $ of the reaction

D) The pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius equation has the dimension of time $ {T^{-1}} $

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Correct Answer: A


is correct because degree of dissociation $ =1-{e^{-kt}} $ at any time t.

is wrong because time taken for 75% reaction is two half life. is correct because in $ k=A{e^{-E_{a}/RT}} $ , $ {E_{a/RT}} $ is dimensionless hence A has the unit of K.

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