Chemical Kinetics Question 194

Question: For the reaction system $ 2NO(g)+O_2(g)\to 2NO_2(g) $ volume is suddenly produced to half its value by increasing the pressure on it. If the reaction is of first order with respect to $ O_2 $ and second order with respect to $ NO $ , the rate of reaction will [AIEEE 2003]


A) Diminish to one fourth of its initial value

B) Diminish to one eighth of its initial value

C) Increase to eight times of its initial value

D) Increase to four times of its initial value

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Correct Answer: C


$ R=k{{[NO]}^{2}}[O_2] $ , $ R’=k{{[2NO]}^{2}}[2O_2] $

$ R’=k\times 4{{[NO]}^{2}}[O_2]=k\times 8{{[NO]}^{2}}[O_2] $

$ \frac{R’}{R}=\frac{k\times 8{{[NO]}^{2}}[O_2]}{k{{[NO]}^{2}}[O_2]}=8 $

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