Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Question 244

Question: The molecule of $ CO_2 $ has 180° bond angle. It can be explanid on the basis of [AFMC 2004]


A) $ sp^{3} $ hybridisation

B) $ sp^{2} $ hybridisation

C) $ sp $ hybridisation

D) $ d^{2}sp^{3} $ hybridization

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Correct Answer: C


$ {C_{\text{ground state}}}=2s^{2},2p_x^{1}p_y^{1} $ ; $ {C_{\text{excited state }}}=2s^{1},2p_x^{1}p_y^{1}p_z^{1} $

$ {O_{\text{ground state }}}=2s^{2},2p_x^{2}p_y^{1}p_z^{1} $ In the formation of $ CO_2 $ molecule, hybridization of orbitals of carbon occur only to a limited extent involving only one s and one p orbitals there is thus sp hybridisation of valence shell orbitals of the carbon atom resulting in the formation of two sp hybrid orbitals.

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