Mastering JEE Revision- The Power Of Spaced Repetition And The X^2 Method

Mastering JEE Revision: The Power of Spaced Repetition and the x^2 Method

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The Uniqueness of JEE Revision

Revision for JEE is not like the typical revision done for school exams, where all the material is studied again in the last week before the exam. Instead, we advocate for techniques like spaced repetition.

The x^2 Revision Method

We introduce a method called the x^2 revision method. This involves the use of short notes and daily short notes. Short notes are just regular chapter summarized type notes. But what are daily short notes?

Daily Short Notes (DSN)

Imagine studying chemical bonding in class today, specifically hybridization. Upon returning home, one could make short notes of that topic, including any good question solved today in the class (additional questions can be added as well), and add a heading to each point. These are what we refer to as daily short notes (DSN). Similarly, the short notes made for a chapter after it is completed are referred to as SN.

Scheduling Revision Using Mathematical Functions

We propose using mathematical functions to schedule revisions. For example, if the function we are using is x^2 (used for SN), then write in a dated diary on today’s date x^2: SN <chapter_name>. Now put x=1, so 1 day after today the revision will be done for the first time, then x=2, meaning 4 days (after day 0) the revision will be done and so on.

Revision Rounds

For the DSN revision, just see the topic opening that page, then try to recall. If it’s not possible, no big deal, read it and retry. If it’s still not possible, add it to today’s DSN. Also, practice the solved example of class, then solve again the good questions.

For the regular SN, revise short notes by the topic notes, then solve new 5 questions of that chapter. If any good question here, add it to the DSN. This way, better revision than almost everyone out there can be achieved.


This strategy can play a significant role in achieving a good rank. Even without following it religiously due to procrastination and other factors, imagine the potential if followed with full consistency! Rest assured, success is within reach.